Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Upcoming Events

Alright, this is gonna be a busy week or so. We have a ton coming up. Please take note of which you can be a part of. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 28th: 6:00-8:00pm
Please come and support the Wednesday Night Alive group. The youth ministry students will be helping and volunteering at Trunk-or-Treat. If your student didn't sign-up to help this last Sunday they can just show up and we will plug them in where needed. They also need adult help so try to make it. It will be great time with our church family.

Thursday, October 29th & November 5th: 6:30-8:00pm
Boost and Uplift will be combined for the next two weeks as we will be having an Alcohol and Drug Seminar conducted by Dr. Dustin Smith and Deputy Sheriff Mike Woodruff . This is for the whole family, except young children, so please plan on being there. It could very well change you and your families lives. Feel free to invite neighbors and/or friends alike.

Friday, October 30th: 6:00-9:00pm
Our annual Costume Party is this Friday at the Sturgis's Home. There will be maps in the lobby on the Youth Ministry table and one attached to the email as a clickable link that I just sent out. Please bring $5 for pizza and drinks. Also, bring one item to share (chips, dessert, etc.) Come in your best costume and be prepared for a ton of games and fun. It's gonna be a blast.

Sunday, November 1st: 6:00-8:00pm
This upcoming Sunday is our 1st Sunday Family Devotional at the home of Randy and Lydia Marrs. This will be a time for our youth ministry families to come together and worship with one another and eat and hang out together. Please bring a dish to share with everyone.

Friday, November 13th-Sunday November 15th
Impact Jr. High Retreat is coming up. This is a retreat specifically designed for 6-8th grade students. The early registration price of $95 is due by this Friday. The forms are in the lobby.

God is truly blessing our Youth & Family Ministry. I pray that you will find a place to be involved if you are not already involved.
