Thursday, October 14, 2010

Calendar and Upcoming Events

Above you can see is our Calendar through December. You should have received a digital copy over email and you can pick a printed copy up in the Lobby at church alongside the letter which explains all of the events. Please make a note of all we have coming up.
Here are some highlights of things to look forward to.
Family Fall Retreat
Sign Ups are going on now. Please sign your family up on the sheet in the lobby. We need to get a count soon so we can prepare for the classes taking place and food. Cost is $25 per person. Get that money into Dan as soon as you can. To see the lodge we are renting go to We are staying at the Royal Canadian Lodge.
At the retreat, we will be talking about Spiritual Disciplines, Modeling Discipleship, Parent/Child Relations, and more. Please plan on being there. It will be an amazing weekend for your family.
Game Night @ Dan & Lindsay's
This Saturday night, October 16th, we are having a game night at our new house. Have your child bring $5 for food. Time: 5:00-9:00PM
Girl's Sleepover
There will be a girls sleepover at Dan & Lindsay's house on Friday, October 29th while Dan is on his hunting trip. Cost is $5 each. Please bring sleeping bag, pillow, and toiletries. Time: 7:00PM-9:00AM
Lunches for Jesus
Mark your calendars for November 5 & 6 for our trip to Santa Monica to feed the homeless. Friday night we will be making the lunches and go through a brief training then Saturday morning we will meet at the church and drive together to Santa Monica to feed the people down there.
If you have any questions please email Dan or call him at the church.