Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer Kick-Off Party and Senior Luau

This Sunday is our annual Summer Kick-Off Party at Shon & Lisa Bates House. This will take place of our 1st Sunday Devo. We will be having a great time swimming and eating then end the night with a devotional. We hope that your family will be able to make it. There are sign-up sheets in the lobby with what you can bring.
Where: Shon & Lisa Bates House
When: Sunday, June 1, 2:00pm-8:00pm
What:Summer Kick-Off Party

The next Sunday will be our annual Senior Graduation Luau here at the church. It is a great time to support and encourage our high school graduates as they are entering a new phase in their lives. Please make plans to attend.
Where: Fellowship Hall
When: Sunday, June 8, 6:00pm-8:00pm
What: Senior Graduation Luau

We hope that you plan on attending both events. They are going to be a blast. Please sign-up in the lobby for what your family can bring to each event.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thanks & Upcoming Events

Hey Everyone
I hope you are having a blessed week. I wanted to send a big thank you to all of you who have been helping with Uplift of any of the events that we have had this month. God is doing some amazing things through this ministry.

A couple of quick reminders:
- Indiana Jones Lock-In May 23-24 8:00PM-8:00AM
- Get Teen Camp registration in pronto to save $50
- Hopefully, your family will be able to plan your summer vacations around the events that we have at the church so that your family or children can attend.
- Senior Grad Luau is coming up June 8th 6:00PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

News and Upcoming Events

Thank you to all the mothers and daughters who were involved with the brunch on Saturday. I hear that everyone had a great time together.

Remember, its time to start getting in your forms for Teen Camp and YouthWAVE. If your child wants to attend YouthWAVE, please let me know. We need to work with you on the fundraising process. For Teen Camp registration, just give them to me. You save $50 if you get the registration forms in by June 6th. If you family needs help with the registration costs, please shoot me an email or call.

Indiana Jones Lock-In: May 23-24, 2008
We are still in need of a few more chaperones for the Lock-In. Your help would be much appreciated. Please let me know if you can help that night. We need some adults who can help organize the food and help run some of the games during the night. Thanks for your consideration.

Hopefully you all have received the summer letter and calendar in the mail. If you didn't, please let me know and I will get one to you. If you plan on attending or your child plans on attending any trip you may let me know at your earliest convenience.

We have some great things happening this summer so please try to be involved. Thank you all for being a part of this ministry. Please keep it in your daily prayers.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Parent Meeting last Sunday

Hey Everyone,

A big thanks to all of those who attended the Parent Meeting this past Sunday. For those who didn't make the meeting, below is a summary of what we talked about. There is info on the table in the lobby as well. Remember, we need your help! Look at the summer events and see how you can help out. We need lots of volunteers for all of the things that are going on during the summer. Check your schedules and see how you can help out.

Summary of Parent Meeting:

- Passed out summer calendar (if you weren't there you will receive one in the mail)
- Discussion about all Summer Events
- Discussion about Fund raising for YouthWAVE and Mexico, as well as passing out of letter template to send out to raise monies
- Discussed High Tides(weekly beach trip and devotional on Thursday's which will take place of Uplift for Summer)
- Discussed needs for teachers for both Middle School and High School classes

For info on Teen Camp and YouthWAVE click on the links below. The links will take you to their respective website. You can get all forms you need on the event from the website.

Southern California Teen Camp

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions.
