Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer Kick-Off Party and Senior Luau

This Sunday is our annual Summer Kick-Off Party at Shon & Lisa Bates House. This will take place of our 1st Sunday Devo. We will be having a great time swimming and eating then end the night with a devotional. We hope that your family will be able to make it. There are sign-up sheets in the lobby with what you can bring.
Where: Shon & Lisa Bates House
When: Sunday, June 1, 2:00pm-8:00pm
What:Summer Kick-Off Party

The next Sunday will be our annual Senior Graduation Luau here at the church. It is a great time to support and encourage our high school graduates as they are entering a new phase in their lives. Please make plans to attend.
Where: Fellowship Hall
When: Sunday, June 8, 6:00pm-8:00pm
What: Senior Graduation Luau

We hope that you plan on attending both events. They are going to be a blast. Please sign-up in the lobby for what your family can bring to each event.


Anonymous said...

This event is for students exiting high school. Are there any events scheduled for students who will be entering high school next year?

Lift Youth & Family Ministry said...

The Senior Luau is for the entire church though we honor our graduating seniors specifically that day. Every other event for the summer is for everyone.

Check out the calendar that you should have recieved at your house. If you didn't recieve on there are plenty in the church lobby on the Youth & Family Ministry table.